NEW: Squirrel has rebranded/pivoted to Moonshots.Farm, read this announcement article for details!

Squirrel Logo Big

Insured Farming

The next generation of easy farming, pools are backed by additional NUTS collateral to protect your assets.

Active Farms Inactive Farms

Filter Token: Staked Only:
Because of rebrand to Moonshots.Farm most farms have now ended, click the "Inactive Farms" button to withdraw your tokens

NUTS Farm v2

Farm with your NUTS by staking here.
Stakers get 20% of the yield from insured farms.
(Known as insurance fees)
Farm with your NUTS via our 'Price Protection' for bonus cover here!
Total Nuts Farming: LOADING
Total Cake Farming: LOADING
Total Banana Farming: LOADING
Total Usdc BLP Farming: LOADING
Total Busd BLP Farming: LOADING
Total Bunny Farming: LOADING
Total Ice LP Farming: LOADING
Total Baby Farming: LOADING
Total Swamp Farming: LOADING
Total Biswap Farming: LOADING
Total Krown Farming: LOADING
Total Hunny Farming: LOADING
Total Aqua Farming: LOADING
Total Usdc PLP Farming: LOADING
Total Ust PLP Farming: LOADING
Total Pacoca Farming: LOADING